The Norefjell Taxi is a flexible and affordable taxi service available at Norefjell from December 26th through the end of the season. All taxi rides between Norefjellstua, Skistua, Norefjell Ski & Spa, Olympique, Norehammeren, and Mountain Lodge have a maximum price of 200 NOK per person.
Book your taxi by calling +47 934 55 252 (remember to call well in advance of when you need the taxi).
Norefjellekspressen is a bus that operates between Oslo and Norefjell during holiday periods and weekends throughout the winter season. The bus service starts in December and is available on weekends and during holiday periods throughout the season.
Download the Freelway app to get around the mountain. You can stop along the road near cabins or other locations on the mountain. There are four daily departures from Noresund to Norefjell Ski Resort and Norefjell Ski & Spa, as well as four trips from Eggedal via Tempelseter. All stops are displayed in the app.
Flyplass Shuttle
Flyplass Shuttle er en direkte buss mellom Oslo Lufthavn Gardemoen, Sokna og Geilo. Det vil være av- og påstigning for gjester som skal til/fra Norefjell i Sokna. En egen shuttle frakter gjester mellom Sokna og Norefjell. Bussen opererer kun i vintersesong og man må booke innen torsdag samme uke som avreise.